Sustainability Advisory Board

Objective of Establishment and Operations

The Morinaga Group established the Sustainability Advisory Board (SAB) in April 2022 as an advisory body to the ESG Committee. SAB’s mission is to accurately identify and respond to the rapidly changing external environment and diversifying needs of stakeholders, and raise the level of sustainable business management. Three outside experts specializing in such fields as the SDGs business, ESG investment and diversity and inclusion participate in SAB to provide advice and recommendations on the Group’s strategies and initiatives. Also, four representatives attend SAB from Morinaga Group, including the President, each director in charge of the Corporate Strategy Division and Sustainable Management Division and the Executive Officer and General Manager of the Sustainable Management Division. By reflecting the advice and recommendations received from SAB in future measures and initiatives, we hope to make steady progress with the implementation of sustainability management as well as achieve sustainable growth and enhance corporate value.

2nd Meeting in FY2022

Main Agendas Items

1. Promotion of Diversity and Inclusion

2. "Health of Mind" in Morinaga Group
  Integrated Report 2022

3. Disclosure of Non-Financial Information

1. Regarding the promotion of diversity and inclusion, SAB appreciated the company's extensive disclosure of information on human capital. For the future, we discussed issues related to the senior human resources, such as accelarating them to play active roles, and the pay gap between full-time and temporary employees.

2. The definition of "health of mind" in Morinaga Group Integrated Report 2022 was evaluated as well defined based on researches of Positive Psychology, among others. We also exchanged opinions on the importance of addressing "health of mind" as a company in today's society.

3. Regarding the disclosure of non-financial information, we received comments on the importance of continuing to analyze scenarios and consider measures in the TCFD recommendations, as well as on the importance of promoting human rights due diligence and disclosing information of the same.

1st Meeting in FY2022

Main Agendas Items

1. Morinaga Group Integrated Report
  2021 and 2030 Business Plan

2. Disclosure of Non-Financial Infomation

3. Promotion of Diversity and Inclusion

1. SAB praised Morinaga Group Integrated Report 2021 for conveying information concisely to investors and establishing shared understanding of the concept of “health of mind, body, and environment.” However, SAB shared the view that certain improvements can be made to the 2030 Vision; for example, providing greater detail regarding the initiatives to change into a wellness company.

2. Regarding disclosure of non-financial information, SAB provided and discussed the latest domestic and overseas information on disclosure trends in recent years, such as the TCFD recommendations and requests for disclosure of human capital.

3. For promotion of diversity and inclusion, SAB members provided advice and discussed relevant international standards and the considerations that should be made with a global perspective.

Sustainability at Morinaga Group

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