About Us
Ever since our establishment in 1899, Morinaga has been in business for more than 100 years in the pursuit of our dream of providing delicious and nutritious confectionaries to the people of Japan in their daily lives. Here we introduce Morinaga’s history, present, and future.
News Release
The Morinaga Group's
Corporate PhilosophyCorporate Philosophy
Learn about our corporate philosophy consisting of “Our Mission (PURPOSE),” “Our Visions (VISION),” and “Our Commitments (VALUE).”
Message from the President
Greetings from Eijiro Ota, Representative Director, President.
Corporate Profile
Business Office Guide
Group Network
Corporate Development and History
Introduction of Business Fields
Our businesses span many areas, including the “in-” business, direct marketing business, U.S. business, frozen desserts business, and domestic confectionery & foodstuffs business. Each of these businesses is described in terms of its characteristics, objectives, and initiatives.

Company Information and Initiatives
R&D / Technology / Intellectual Property
We are working to develop new technologies and quality for the creation of healthy foods.
Investor Relations
Management policies, financial results, and other information for shareholders and investors.
Through our business activities, we work to solve social issues and contribute to the realization of a sustainable society.
Learn about the people who work at Morinaga, our jobs, system, and environment.